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The Hidden Almanac for
Friday June 20th, 2014
Episode 121
The Hidden Almanac
Previous episode: 2014-06-18
Next episode: 2014-06-23


It is the birthday of Anne O’Riley! We should have a cake. It is also the day a hurricane hit the Isle of Shun, and the anniversary of the Gloriana Prize for Literature. Feast Day of St. Phallos, and in the garden, the cat is back!

Be safe, and have a wonderful day!


Welcome to the Hidden Almanac, I’m Pastor Drom, filling in for Reverend Mord while he’s away.

Today is June 20th, 2014.

It is the birthday of noted cookbook author Annie O’Riley, who has produced such works as “1001 Uses For Leftover Turkey,” “Ham For All Occasions” and “4-Ingredient Meals For Funerals.” Her published, Cryptic Cooking Books, has stated off the record that working with Mrs. O’Riley is “printing money” and has sent assassins after anyone who dares to suggest that she might be a conglomerate of eleven overworked cooking school students. Hmm. We’re not suggesting that, for the record. I’m sure Mrs. O’Riley is lovely.

And it was on this day fifty years ago that an early hurricane struck the Convent of the White Goat on the Isle of Shun. No nuns were harmed, but the convent’s island restoration project was set back by the loss of hundreds of mature trees. (Aww, that’s a shame.) The nuns, undaunted, set to work restoring the lost trees. Of course they would. Nuns are indomitable. They used to frighten me at seminary. Actually, they still kind of do…

And it is the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Gloriana Prize for Literature, which was founded and funded anonymously. Votes are collected from members of the reading public, who will find ballots delivered to them by masked figures in the small hours of the night. Interestingly enough, the ballots are always for books that the voter has actually read. The masked figures wait politely until the ballots are marked, then vanish as mysteriously as they have come. The Gloriana Prize is believed to be one of the few literary prizes absolutely exempt from vote-lobbying or favoritism and is highly regarded as a result.

It is the Feast Day of Saint Phallos, patron of…male…fertility…rites…oh my. He’s…um…he was…err…historical, and is represented as…uh…represented. By things. Goodness. I don’t think this saint is appropriate for the general population. I hope this feast day isn’t in the calendars.

In the garden, I got to pet the cat! It’s a girl. I got a very rude note from Reverend Mord about this so I’m going to see if I can pick her up and put her in a carrier so I can take her in and get her all her shots and make sure nobody’s missing a kitty. I should put up flyers. If you’re missing a tortoiseshell cat, write to us here at the station, and we’ll put you in touch.

I think I’ll name her Francis.

The Hidden Almanac is brought to you by Red Wombat Tea Company, purveyors of fine and inaccessible teas. Red Wombat --- “We Dig Tea.”

Reverend Mord will be back on Monday. It’s been such a pleasure filling in for him here. I’ll treasure our time together, listeners!

That’s the Hidden Almanac for June 20th, 2014. Be safe, and have a wonderful day!


Out of Character

The Hidden Almanac is a production of Dark Canvas Media, and is written by Ursula Vernon. Our exit music is Red in Black and our into music is Moon Valley, both by Kosta T. You can hear more music from Kosta T at the Free Music Archive. The Hidden Almanac is copyright 2013-2014, Ursula Vernon.

