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The Hidden Almanac for
Friday July 22nd, 2016
Episode 442
The Hidden Almanac
Previous episode: 2016-07-20
Next episode: 2016-07-25


Today we remember the release of prisoners in Siluret. It is the Feast Day of the Apocalypse, and in the garden, there is Joe-Pye Weed.

Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble.


Welcome to the Hidden Almanac, I’m Reverend Mord. Today is June[1] 22nd, 2016. 

It was on this day in the year 315 that a crowd gathered outside the prison in the city of Siluret, chanting for the release of the prisoners within. The governor, noted for his cruelty, is reported to have said “Then we shall give them what they wish,” and released the wild beasts slated for the arena. The crowd was torn to pieces and dispersed. 

This is the official version. In the slightly more accurate version recorded by the scribe Thelurian, the beasts were released and promptly ran away, frightened by the crowd noises and the unfamiliar surroundings. The only truly dangerous one was a large bull, and as the crowd contained a number of cattleherds, the bull was driven away—carefully—with only a few minor injuries. The crowd swarmed the prison and released those inside, who were mostly being held for not having paid the outrageous fines levied by the governor. As this version painted the empire in a less than flattering light, it was not included in official records, but was widely repeated throughout the land. 

It is the Feast Day of the Apocalypse. This will only be celebrated once, and fortunately, it is not this year[2]

In the garden, the Joe-Pye Weed has reached the height of ten feet and flowered. This is substandard, as hollow-stem Joe-Pye Weed can reach sixteen feet, but it may require more water and less light to achieve this stature. The butterflies are enthusiastic about it, at any rate. It is a lovely plant, but it is not for a small garden, unless you wish to make it the only thing in the garden.

Many plants of such heroic stature fall over at the least provocation. This one is sturdier than most, but not indestructible. If you are seeking a plant to use as a trellis for an enthusiastic vine, the sturdier sunflowers and cornstalks are still likely to be a better choice. Nevertheless, something like passionflower might grow very well on Joe-Pye Weed, and provide a boon for pollinators and flower-lovers alike.

The Hidden Almanac is brought to you by Red Wombat Tea Company, purveyors of fine and inaccessible teas. Red Wombat — “We Dig Tea.”

Also brought to you by the Underground Mime Cult, which still does not exist. 

That’s the Hidden Almanac for July 22nd, 2016. Be safe, and stay out of trouble.


Out of character

The Hidden Almanac is a production of Dark Canvas Media, and is produced by Kevin Sonney. The voice of Reverend Mord is Kevin Sonney. And the voice of Pastor Drom is Ursula Vernon. Our intro music is Moon Valley and our exit music is Red in Black, both by Kosta T. You can find more by Kosta T at the Free Music Archives. All other content is copyright 2013 through 2016, Ursula Vernon.


  1. The reverend clearly says June instead of July. Perhaps he was tired
  2. One assumes that its first celebration will be when the Apocalypse happens and further assumes that there will be no people to celebrate it after. Although some religions predict end times that last several years.