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The Hidden Almanac for
Wednesday August 31st, 2016
Episode 459
The Hidden Almanac
Previous episode: 2016-08-29
Next episode: 2016-09-02


Today there is more news of the outside world, and discussion of the fate of the librarians.

Be Safe, and remember: You Are Not Alone.


Welcome to the Hidden Almanac, I’m Reverend Mord. Today is August 31st, 2016.

PD: Hi, everybody! I’m Archon Drom!

SA: I am not entirely comfortable discussing our plans in front of the archon, even if she is…defective.

PD: Man, you think I’m bad, we’re broadcasting this to like ten people and a whole bunch of begonias.

SA: Begonias?

RM: Begonias are too often dismissed as a bedding plant. Rex begonias are actually excellent foliage plants, having dramatic variegated leaves and thriving in dry conditions. 

SA: Why are we broadcasting the revolution to begonias?

PD: I guess you gotta start somewhere. 

RM: I am certain that the begonias will not betray us. What is your plan, Senior Archivist?

SA: When the Fathers took control of the minds of the populace, those deep underground were largely spared the effects. We believe that earth offers some defense against whatever…power…is involved. I myself was visiting the Tomb of the Librarian Prince. Another of mine was down in the library vaults, and was mostly unaffected. Most of my colleagues on the surface, however, woke with no knowledge of what they had been. I have visited them, and they believe that they have just lost their jobs and are looking for employment elsewhere.

RM: More implanted memories.

SA: They did not even know what a library was!

PD: Yeah, Mord had to explain that to me, too. I don’t know how you do the day of cleansing on a place that big.

SA: The day of what?

RM: Let us not get into that right now. It will only make you angry. 

SA: I’m already angry, Mord! Librarians are the keepers of civilization! Dozens of people with a high calling suddenly woke up and thought they’d been downsized from a book-keeping job! I’d almost rather they’d killed us all!

RM: That… seems excessive.

SA: Sacrifices must sometimes be made in pursuit of knowledge!

PD: Praise the Fathers!

SA: What?

PD: What?

RM: Senior Archivist, I am glad that you survived with your memories intact, but let us not be rash. I assume that you have been in contact with the keepers of the Librarian Prince’s Tomb. What is our plan?

SA: We need to find out how they’re controlling people’s minds, and whether the process can be reversed. We need to determine what they want. And we need to destroy them all.

The Hidden Almanac is brought to you by Red Wombat Resistance Company, purveyors of fine and revolutionary teas. Red Wombat --- “Fight the Power.”

Also brought to you by Scarlet Wombat Publishing’s latest volume, Easier Said Than Done: A Workbook on Realistic Expectations.

PD: Woo!

That’s the Hidden Almanac for August 31st, 2016. Be safe. You are not alone.


Out of character

The Hidden Almanac is a production of Dark Canvas Media. The voice of Reverend Mord is Kevin Sonney. The voice of Pastor Drom is Ursula Vernon. And the voice of the Senior Archivist is Emmett Davenport. Our theme music is Moon Valley and our exit music is Red in Black, both by Kosta T. You can hear more by Kosta T at the Free Music Archive. All other content is copyright 2013,2016, Ursula Vernon.

