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The Hidden Almanac for
Monday January 16th, 2017
Episode 518
The Hidden Almanac
Previous episode: 2017-01-13
Next episode: 2017-01-18


Today we would tell you about history and Saints, but Pastor Drom is still seeing things.

Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble.


Welcome to the Hidden Almanac, I’m Reverend Mord.

Today is January 16th, 2017. 

It was on this day—

D: MORD, you got another thing! Under your hat this time!

I do not.

D: It’s right there—you just pushed it back under your hat! I saw you!

As this is radio, you are the only one who claims to have seen this, and you are known to be an unreliable witness.

D: Damn straight I am, but that’s not the point! You got things! Like—like—greenish things! Oh god! Is something wrong with your beetles?

For the hundredth time, Drom, I am not actually a group of beetles in a suit.

D: Mord! Is it the fungus?!


D: The one that ants get! The thing! The—the—whatsit—the zombie fungus! The cordy-forceps thing!

Do you mean the Cordyceps fungus?

D: Yeah! That one! The one that takes over bug brains and makes them into zombies! Mord! Are you gonna climb to the top of the radio station and sit there and then it’s gonna come out and there’s just gonna be this empty husk of plague doctor clothes and this giant mushroom sticking out of the top of your head and then it’ll explode?

I am going to do no such thing.

D: Please don’t because that would be incredibly gross and also then there won’t be anybody to get my jokes.

I do not get your jokes. 

D: Yeah, but you don’t get them because you don’t want to get them. You get that “Oh god, why me?” look, and everybody else just looks confused. It’s kind of annoying. I don’t want to have to dumb down my humor for the masses, Mord!

Let us avoid that fate at all costs. Regardless, I do not have a fungus. 

D: That sounds like something a fungus would say.


The Hidden Almanac is brought to you by Red Wombat Tea Company, purveyors of fine and inaccessible teas. Red Wombat --- “We Dig Tea.”

D: If I got you a tube of Athlete’s foot cream, would you eat it?

I would not. 

D: AHA! Because it’s a fungicide!

Because it would make me violently ill.

That’s the Hidden Almanac for January 16th, 2017. Be safe and stay out of trouble.


No, there isn’t.
