The Hidden Almanac Wiki
The Hidden Almanac for
Wednesday August 8th, 2018
Episode 753
The Hidden Almanac
Previous episode: 2018-08-06
Next episode: 2018-08-10


Today we explore the process of making holy incense. It is the Feast Day of the Saint of Blackberries, and in the garden, it remains hot.

Be Safe, and Remember: You Are Not Alone.


Welcome to the Hidden Almanac, I’m Reverend Mord.

Today is August 8th 2018. It was on this in 940AD that a resinous sap was collected for its eventual use as an incense. The cut had been made some weeks prior in the trunk of a particular fragrant tree in a grove that had been used for incense making for centuries. This particular bit of sap however included a biting insect which had bitten the last scion of an ancient line of kings as she lay dying. Her line had included warriors, queens, murderers and saints but time had laid them low and this old woman was the last of her people. After her death the only bit of blood remaining was in the belly of this particular midge. It was trapped in the sap, was collected and later burned before the image of a god with the head of a mole.

It is the feast day of the Saint of Blackberries. Nothing is known about this figure which is drawn from a handful of icon paintings from the lands northeast of the Mountain Kingdom. The icons depict a woman engulfed in blackberry briars being fed berries by a green bird. Both woman and bird are haloed. Four such paintings exist spanning approximately 75 years, all of which are remarkably consistent in composition. During the era when sainthood was forced upon anything that held still long enough to be canonised, this was more than enough for a saint to be declared. Modern art historians are still studying the Saint of Blackberries but the tentative hypothesis is that this was an image of personal significance to the painter, not an indication of a real-life event.

In the garden, torrential rain has given way to muggy humidity. The tomatoes are refusing to set fruit as it is too hot for most varieties, though the tomatillos continue undaunted. We continue to fan George the crow. These are the days when the gardener hovers over the weather forecast, seeking hope and finding only a procession of savagely hot days on the horizon.

The Hidden Almanac is brought to you by Red Wombat Resistance Company, purveyors of fine and revolutionary teas. Red Wombat --- “Fight the Power.”

Also brought to you by the Cannibalfly Priesthood. “We are here. We do not forget. We attempted to kill a millipede but it proved too mighty with its treacherous array of legs. When we have slain the millipede you will know to fear us properly.”

That’s the Hidden Almanac for August 8th, 2018. Be safe and remember, you are not alone.


Out of character

The Hidden Almanac is a production of Red Wombat Studio, and is written by Ursula Vernon and produced by Kevin Sonney. The voice of Reverend Mord is Kevin Sonney. And the voice of Pastor Drom is Ursula Vernon. Our theme music is Moon Valley and our exit music is Red in Black, both by Kosta T. You can hear more from Kosta T at the Free Music Archive. All other content is copyright 2013 to 2018, Ursula Vernon. (That's me.)


